Sharing Verification Items

By default, verification items associated with a piece of evidence will not be shared to the target. The evidence broker can however be configured so that verification items which are associated with a piece of identical or non identical evidence can be copied to the target along with the evidence being shared. This saves the caseworker from having to verify evidence that has already been verified for the person.

Verification items can be configured to be always shared or to be shared only if applicable. Selecting ‘Always’ would result in the verification item always being copied to the target, even if it is not used or required by the target. Selecting ‘If Applicable’ would result in the verification item only being copied to the target if the verification item is used or required by the target.

The incoming verification items are viewed from the Incoming Evidence page. The evidence broker displays the due date and an indicator to show if the verification being shared is applicable to the target. The verification can be expanded to show further details including links to any attachments which might exist for the verification item.

On acceptance of the incoming evidence or where evidence is automatically accepted, the incoming verification items are created against the accepted evidence record. Where evidence is automatically activated, the incoming verification items are created against the active evidence record. If the same verification items are used on the target to verify the evidence, the evidence automatically becomes verified. If different verification items are required on the target to verify the evidence, then the evidence would remain as not verified and the case owner will receive a notification informing them that the evidence requires further verification.