Comparing Source Evidence to Target Evidence

To help caseworkers make decisions regarding broadcasted evidence, the evidence broker provides an option to compare the evidence being shared to existing evidence on the target case. In all evidence comparisons, a single evidence record from the source is compared to one or more existing evidence records on the target case. The evidence broker will display all existing target evidence records on the target case which are active, in edit, or pending removal and which are assigned to the same participant as the source evidence and originated from the source case or person/prospect person record.

The comparison process is slightly different for identical and non-identical evidence. For identical evidence, the evidence broker displays a table of values for both the source and target evidence allowing the caseworker to compare like-for-like values. For non-identical evidence, the evidence broker displays the source evidence in a top panel and the target evidence in the bottom panel. The complexity of the evidence comparison increases with the number of target evidence records being compared to the source evidence record.

To make a decision on how to handle identical evidence, caseworkers can compare the effective date and status of the source evidence record to the effective date and status of the target evidence record(s). If the effective date for the source evidence record is different from the target evidence record, then the source evidence record can be active at the same time as the target evidence record since the two evidence records are effective during different time periods.

If the effective date is the same for the source and target evidence records, the evidence broker uses the status of the source and target evidence records to determine how the identical evidence is shared. Note that the evidence broker will highlight any records that are likely to be superseded if the caseworker accepts and activates the shared evidence. It will also highlight records that will be discarded or removed as a result of accepting and activating the broadcast. It is important that the caseworker understands how the evidence broker processes evidence based on the status of the incoming evidence.

The following table describes how the evidence broker will process evidence based on a set of possible sharing scenarios for identical evidence where the incoming evidence is related to the evidence on the case and has the same effective date:

Important: The evidence broker has been designed to ensure that no conflicting evidence records can be activated on the evidence workspace. For example, the evidence broker does not allow two evidence records of the same type and relating to the same participant to be in edit at the same time. This is to avoid confusion between the in edit evidence records. It has also been designed to give caseworkers sufficient information to resolve conflicts on the evidence workspace before accepting incoming evidence.
Table 1. Possible Evidence Sharing Scenarios based on Evidence Statuses.

This table describes each possible sharing scenario based on the statuses of the source and target evidence records.

Source Evidence Record Status

Target Evidence Record Status

Evidence Sharing Outcome

New No existing evidence The evidence broker shares the source evidence record on the target case. The new evidence record will have a status of in edit on the target evidence workspace.
New In Edit The new evidence record is not shared as there cannot be two in edit evidence records on the target evidence workspace for the same participant. The new evidence record can be accepted once the conflict is resolved.
New Active with pending removal The new evidence record is not shared since the active evidence is pending removal.
Updated Active The evidence broker shares the updated evidence record on the target case. The updated evidence record will have a status of in edit on the target evidence workspace. The evidence broker will also highlight that if activated, the shared record will supersede the active record.
Updated In Edit The updated evidence record is not shared as there cannot be two in edit evidence records on the target evidence workspace for the same participant. The updated evidence record can be accepted once the conflict is resolved.
Updated Active with pending removal The updated evidence record is not shared since the active evidence is pending removal. The updated evidence record can be accepted once the conflict is resolved.
Removal Active The target case will accept the removal; the active evidence record will have a pending removal status. The evidence broker will also highlight that if activated, the shared record will remove the active record.
Removal In Edit The target case will accept the removal and the in edit evidence record will be discarded.
Removal Active with pending removal The removal is not accepted as the active evidence record is already pending removal.
Removal of parent Active with dependent records The removal cannot be accepted until the dependent evidence records are resolved.