Gross Countable Income

For every individual in the income unit whose income is counted, carry out the following steps:

  1. Calculate individual's countable gross unearned income from all sources AND
  2. Add deemable income, if any, to the individual's unearned income AND
  3. Add individual's countable gross unearned income to other household member's countable gross unearned income AND
  4. Add the pro-rated unearned income of ineligible household members, if any, to the household's total gross unearned income AND
  5. Calculate the individual's countable income from self employment AND
  6. Add individual's countable income from self employment to other household members' countable self employment income AND
  7. Offset any farming losses against total self employment income AND
  8. Calculate the individual's countable gross earned income from all sources AND
  9. Add individual's countable gross earned income excluding self employment to other household member's countable gross earned income excluding self employment income AND
  10. Add household's self employment income to household's gross earned income to determine the household's total gross earned income AND
  11. Add the pro-rated income of ineligible household members, if any, to the household's total gross earned income AND
  12. Combine the household's total gross unearned income and the total gross earned income to determine the household's total gross income.

The household's monthly gross countable income is equal or less than 130% of the Federal Poverty Limit for the household size unless the household is exempt from the Gross Income Limit.