Configure and Associate Funds and Fiscal Years

Funded Program Management configuration of funds begins with fund and fiscal year creation. The fund and relevant fiscal years are associated with each other. This establishes the time period during which a fund is active, and the fiscal years it is associated with during that time period. At a glance, setting up a fund includes the following steps:

  1. The creation of the fund which includes defining the fund name, type, and active period.
  2. The creation of one or more fiscal years during which a fund is active; fiscal years also have names, categories, and active periods.
  3. The association of a fiscal year with a fund.

To assist fund administrators in configuring funds and their fiscal years, the administration component of Funded Program Management displays the list of fiscal years associated with the fund and the budgets for each one of these fund fiscal years.

Funded Program Management administrators can modify fund details, associate new fiscal years to the fund, and remove funds. Note, however, funds can only be removed if there are no active associations, including associated fund fiscal year balances and fund associations.