Outcome Plan Report

To assist a case worker with conducting reviews and meetings about a clients progress towards achieving positive outcomes, an outcome plan report can be generated. There are two versions of the report available to a case worker: an overall outcome plan report and a short version for individual items associated with the plan.

When selecting to generate the overall outcome plan report, the case worker has the option to select the items to include in the report. For example goals, objectives, activities, factors. The items available to the case worker to select are based on the content items configured in the Administration Application. If the caseworker does not select any items to print, the generated document will contain a table of contents and an overview section, which shows outcome plan details and the clients on the outcome plan. Based on the items that are selected by the case worker, the document may also contain details for the goals, objectives, factors, assessments etc, that are associated with the plan.

The case worker also has the option to generate a report for an individual item associated with the plan, for example a goal. The report contains relevant details for the selected item, for example, progress, reviews, notes etc. This print option is available for goals, objectives, factors, assessments, reviews, services, actions, referrals, cost statements, contact logs and visits associated with a plan.