Scoring Assessments

Upon completion of the assessment, the assessment rules are executed for the factors and the assessment results are displayed to the outcome worker. The outcome worker is then presented with information on the factor scoring. For the Self-Sufficiency Assessment two types of graphs are provided - a Bar Chart and a Radar Chart. The type of graph displayed by default can be configured in assessment administration; however a case worker can also switch between the two types of graphs.

The assessment result for a factor can be derived automatically by the system based on the answers to factor assessments questions, or the assessment result for the factor is entered manually by a user. The two types of scores are totaled.

Score derived automatically by the Self-Sufficiency Assessment:

When there are questions for factors, each answer for each question for the factor has a score associated to it. Based on the answers to the factor questions. The system determines the factor assessment result by totaling the scores for each question associated with that factor. Based on the total score for each factor, the rating classification is determined (Vulnerable, Engaged, Progressing, and Self-Sufficient or Safe) for each factor.

Score manually entered by the user:

When the agency has received an external score, the user may manually enter a score for a factor assessment for a client. No additional scoring occurs for the factor. A rating classification is determined based on the score.