Referring Clients

A Work Eligible client does not have an exclusion from having to work register. Therefore, Work Eligible clients must be referred unless they have a Non Participation Reason. A referral can be created as soon as the eligibility rules have run and the case is determined eligible for Cash Assistance and/or Food Assistance. A case that is not eligible has no need for a referral. The eligibility result does not need to be authorized before the referral can be created. If the intake worker checked eligibility and the case was determined eligible for either Cash Assistance or Food Assistance, the eligibility worker can make the referral immediately without checking eligibility again.

The eligibility worker selects the clients to refer. To aid this worker in knowing who to refer, Income Support provides information such as name, work eligible status, existing non participation reason (from evidence), non participation recommendation reason, and whether the client is already registered for work. The non participation recommendation reason is determined based on CER rules and run as part of the Work Eligible rules during the most recent eligibility run. The eligibility worker refers each client individually. If a client determined eligible for Food Assistance has also been determined eligible for Cash Assistance, the client does not need to be referred again for Food Assistance.

In larger cities, many outcomes agencies have multiple offices. To assist the eligibility worker in finding a convenient office for the referred client to visit, A&T provides a search for an outcomes agency office based on the proximity to the client’s home address.

The eligibility worker informs the client of the deadline for registering based on agency policy. After choosing the desired office, the eligibility worker can provide the referral details using a method that is convenient to the client. The eligibility worker prints out a document with the address of the selected agency office and other details. Alternatively, the details can be sent in an email if the client had previously provided the email address as part of the application process. Whether emails are sent is configurable. A referral is created in pending status.