Outcome Worker Summaries

Because of the high caseload of eligibility and outcome workers it is often difficult to be constantly aware of activities that need immediate attention. To assist them with their daily work activities, A&T provides a number of summaries available on the home page for the outcome worker role which can be used to highlight areas of work that may need their urgent attention. For example, a plan review may need to be performed in the next few days or the review may be overdue already. This section outlines functionality which will help workers to easily identify work activities that need to be addressed. The productivity pages and case summaries described below are specific to outcome planning and are in addition to those available in other parts of the Cúram Business Application Suite.

My Assigned Referrals

So that the outcome worker role has an easy reference to all assigned outcomes services referrals, A&T displays outcomes services referrals that have been reserved by, or assigned to, the currently logged in worker. The outcome worker can also mark the outcomes services referral as complete changing the status of the outcomes services referral. Once the outcomes services referral is marked as complete, it no longer displays as a pending outcomes services referral.

Find a Client’s Pending Referral

When a referred client comes into the outcomes services office, the outcome worker role can search from the available (non-reserved) outcomes services referrals for the currently logged in worker's unit. The worker can search by name and date of birth. A list of all pending outcomes services referrals for the office is also available.

My Assessments Due

Outcome workers can view a summary of Self-Sufficiency Assessments that are due or overdue that have been assigned to the currently logged in worker. This summary can be used by the outcome worker role to identify Self-Sufficiency Assessments that need to be performed immediately. For example the assessment might be due within 90 days (the initial value) of the application date. The deadline is a configurable value for the agency.

My Pending Discrepancies

So that the outcome worker has a quick reference to newly detected or unresolved discrepancies, they can view a summary list of the attendance / participation discrepancies identified by A&T that are pending review by the currently logged in user. This summary can be used by the outcome worker role to identify reviews that need to be performed immediately.