Posting Discussions

Discussion boards are communication tools that allow comments and questions relating to a particular subject be posted online. Members of the discussion board can actively engage in discussions by responding with their own remarks over time. The purpose of these discussions is to promote coordination and teamwork between multidisciplinary team members and agency workers enabling them to share advice and important information that may impact the resolution of the case.

The main players of a discussion board are the discussion moderator and the discussion watchers. The role of the discussion moderator is to ensure that all discussions are handled appropriately and thus has the ability to manage all aspects of a discussion. The default configuration is to set the discussion moderator to the social enterprise folder owner. (For information on changing this default, see the Cúram Social Enterprise Folder Configuration Guide). Since discussions can contain highly sensitive and important information, the discussion moderator has the sole responsibility of closing a discussion.

The role of discussion watchers is to actively engage in the discussion by viewing and contributing discussion comments. Discussion watchers can view the discussion and are automatically notified via email when comments are added. By default, all multidisciplinary team members, the social enterprise folder owner, the discussion moderator, and any persons creating the discussion are added as discussion watchers. Internal Cúram users can add themselves to the list of watchers so that they receive notifications. Alternatively, any existing watcher (including external users who are part of the multidisciplinary team) can choose to stop watching the discussion.

Note: Functionality is enabled and disabled on a discussion board according to a user's access rights. For example, the link to close a discussion is only accessible to the discussion moderator. The link to edit discussion comments is only available to users with the rights to update the comments.