Sharing Activities

Information pertaining to the activities (services, actions and referrals) delivered to the clients of an outcome plan may be shared with non-agency members of the multidisciplinary team. An additional sharing step is included in the wizards used to add activities to an outcome plan if sharing has been enabled for the plan. The sharing step is not present in the wizards if sharing has not been enabled. This step allows the user to select the non-agency members of the team with whom the activity should be shared. The non-agency members displayed in the list depends upon whether activity sharing has been enabled for the member or the role that the member fulfills. If activities are not sharable with a particular member, that member will not appear in the list of selectable team members. In addition, there may be certain types of actions or services that are of a particularly sensitive nature where sharing is not appropriate with particular team members or roles. Restrictions can be defined. These allow the administrator to restrict the team members or roles with which a particular service or action can be shared. For example, in general activities may be shared with school teachers who are members of a multidisciplinary team. However, there may be certain activities of a sensitive nature that the agency does not want the teachers to be informed of. A restriction can be defined that prevents teachers from appearing in the list of non-agency team members with whom these types of activity can be shared with. Therefore these types of activity cannot be shared with a teacher even though other types of activity may be shared with teachers.

An email will be sent to the non-agency multidisciplinary team member informing them of the addition of the new activity to the outcome plan. The team member can click on a link in the email to open the MDT Portal, where after supplying the correct authentication information, they can view the details of the new activity. The information shared varies depending upon the type of activity. For each activity type, the activity name, clients in receipt of the activity, start and end dates, and the current status are displayed. In addition, for a referral, the provider name, referral date and whether the client contacted the provider is also displayed. Services display the provider name and number of units delivered, as well as any notes or progress information recorded. Actions display the notes and progress information recorded for the action. In addition to viewing notes, the non-agency team member can use the MDT Portal to record their own notes with regard to an action or a service. These notes are viewable by any other team member who has access to the action or service via the collaborative outcome plan or outcome plan.