Configuring the Layout of the IEG Player in Modal Dialogs

IEG is most commonly used in conjunction with other screens which form a logical and seamless flow for an application. This flow may be launched from a given page and open a modal dialog instead of a new tab or link to a new page. This is where the agency wants to indicate to the client that an application for a service or benefit has started.

There is a slightly different look and feel when screens and the IEG Player are opened in a modal. To accommodate for changes to the display of the IEG Player when running in a modal rather than in a tab, there are configuration properties set. Some examples of these are:

These properties are set in the configuration file associated with the script, and by default in A full list is provided below:

Table 1. Configuration Properties for IEG Player in a Modal Dialog
Property Description
modal.anchor.nav.panel Indicates to player whether the navigation panel should be anchored.
modal.hide.title.panel Indicates to player whether the page title panel should be hidden.
modal.width Sets the width of the modal dialog.
modal.height Sets the height of the modal dialog.
modal.close.dialog.on.exit Indicates to the player whether the modal dialog should be automatically dismissed when the Exit button is selected.
navpanel.modal.button.background.image The background image for navigation buttons in a modal dialog.
navpanel.modal.button.right.corner.image The background image for the corners of navigation buttons in a modal dialog.
navpanel.modal.button.wrapper.image The wrapper image for navigation buttons in a modal dialog.