Other Page Layout Configurations

There are several other configurable items on an IEG page. Properties relating to these are listed in the following table:

Table 1. Other Page Layout Configuration Properties
Property Description
font.family The font family to use on pages.
icon.mandatory The icon used to indicate a mandatory field.
icon.mandatory.alt The alt text for the mandatory icon.
cluster.title.color The text color of cluster titles.
cluster.title.border.color The border color of cluster titles.
messages.panel.color The text color for the messages panel.
messages.panel.border.color The border color for the messages panel.
messages.panel.background.color The background color for the messages panel.
messages.panel.description The description text for the messages panel.
list.no.data.text The message displayed when a list does not have any data (i.e. zero rows)
dropdown.list.blank.entry.description The text displayed for the blank entry in a dropdown list.
dropdown.list.description The title text of dropdown lists used for codetable-type questions.
messages.highlight.color The color used to highlight fields with related validation messages.
messages.label.color The text color for validation message labels.
messages.label.weight The text weight for validation message labels.
true Translation for boolean value.
false Translation for boolean value.
calendar.today The text representing today in the calendar widget.
calendar.icon.alt The alt text for the calendar icon.
multiselect.layout.optimum.columns The optimum number of columns to use for multi-select questions.
multiselect.mandatory.message The message to display for mandatory validations of multi-select questions.
listquestion.mandatory.message The message to display for mandatory validations of list questions.
checkbox.mandatory.message The message to display for mandatory validations of multi-select questions using checkboxes.
radioButton.mandatory.message The message to display for mandatory validations of single-select questions using radio buttons.
navigation.error.message The message to display when unsupported use of the browser back button is detected.
navigation.link.message The text to display for the link to resume script execution after the 'browser back button' message is displayed.
navigation.update.message.display Indicates if a message should be displayed to users when some section navigation has been disabled.
navigation.update.message Message to display when some navigation options have been disabled.
session.timeout.error.message Session timeout message.
session.timeout.link.message Text to display for the 'continue' link after a session timeout.
session.timeout.link.url Text to display for the resume link after a session timeout.
item.itemLabel.maxLength The maximum length for a list question item label. If the label length exceeds this value, it will be truncated to this length, including ellipsis to indicate the truncation.
matrix.image.selected Question matrix summary image alt-text for a selected item.
matrix.image.notSelected Question matrix summary image alt-text for an unselected item.
matrix.selected Question matrix summary image for a selected item.
matrix.unselected Question matrix summary image for an unselected item.
policy.logo The image to display for policy links.
policy.logo.hover The image to display for policy links when hovered over.
policy.logo.click The image to display for policy links when clicked.
legislation.logo The image to display for legislation links.
legislation.logo.hover The image to display for legislation links when hovered over.
legislation.logo.click The image to display for legislation links when clicked.
person.adultAge The age at which the adult image should be displayed for a person in the persons tab, list questions, relationship questions, etc.
date.field.width The width, as a percentage of available space, to be used for date input fields. This can be overriden for specific questions by setting a width on the question layout. By default, this is 60%.
confirm.delete.title The title of the delete confirmation dialog.
confirm.delete.message The confirmation text in the delete confirmation dialog.
confirm.delete.ok.button The confirmation button text in the delete confirmation dialog.
confirm.delete.cancel.button The cancel button text in the delete confirmation dialog.
label.align The standard alignment of label texts. By default, this is left.
cluster.link.edit.show A boolean property that controls the display of an edit icon alongside the edit link for a cluster.
cluster.link.edit.image.open The icon used for the edit link.
cluster.link.edit.image.roll The icon used for the edit link on mouse rollover.