Summary of Cluster Layout Options

The following list describes all the possible layout options that can be applied to clusters:

Table 1. Cluster Layout Options
Name Description
type The type can be set to either 'flow' (the default) or 'compact-flow'. A cluster using 'flow' will lay its questions out from left to right, top to bottom, with the label always appearing to the left of the input control or value. The compact-flow behaves in much the same way but with the label displayed above the input control or value. This can allow you to fit more columns into a cluster (than if the labels and input controls were side-by-side).
num-cols The number of columns, can be used to specify the number of question elements to layout across the cluster. The default number of elements to display in a column is 1. This attribute can also be used to specify the number of columns in which to display the options for a multiple-select question.
width The width of the cluster can be used to alter the percentage of the available width of the page which this cluster uses from its default of 100%.
label-width The label width can be used to alter the percentage of a column width given to the label of a question (and by implication, the percentage given to the input control or value) from its default of 50%.
label-alignment The label alignment can be used to alter the alignment of the text within the question labels in this cluster. The default is to align text to the right (beside the input control or value) and the other options available are left and center.

By combining these options and varying the number of clusters on your page, you can exercise a high degree of control over what the user ultimately sees, with the goal of presenting a friendly, intuitive user interface.