
Table 1. List-question Attributes
Name Description
entity the entity in the Datastore from which to read the elements to be displayed within the list.
criteria the criteria to use when retrieving the records from the entity.
id the name of the attribute on the entity in which to store the answers (i.e. true for each item in the list whose check-box is checked and false for the others).
mandatory if the mandatory attribute is set to true, at least one selection must be made for the list-question.
link-entity a list-question can be used to create relationships between entities instead of setting an attribute on an entity. For example, if you were entering an insurance record and wanted to record which people in the household were covered by it, you could use a list question to display the people in the household and create the relationships from the insurance entity to the person entity. In this case, the link-entity should be used instead of the id attribute to specify the name of the entity which stores the relationship between the other two entities (e.g. InsuranceRelationship). See the Creating Datastore Schemas guide for more details.
single-select a boolean indicator to specify that the list-question is single-select, whereby only one option in the list can be selected. The default is false, i.e. the list-question can have multiple answers.
display the format in which to display the list question. By default, list questions are displayed in 'horizontal' format, with the options appearing across the screen in a row. This attribute can also have the values 'vertical' (to display the options in a vertical column) or 'dropdown' (to display the options in a dropdown box).
input-alignment indicates if the input element should appear to the left or right of the associated image.
read-only-expression a boolean expression which, if evaluated to true, causes the list-question to become read-only on the page.