
Table 1. Relationship-Page Attributes
Name Description
id a unique identifier for this page. This id can be used to reference this page when linking to it from another part of the script, or when indicating what page to start at when re-entering a script.
progress the percentage to use for the progress bar when the user gets to this page.
show-person-tabs when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Engine and Player that person tabs should be displayed at the top of the page. More information can be found in Controlling the Flow of Your IEG Script.
show-back-button when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that the back button should be displayed. If not specified, this attribute will be set to true by default.
show-exit-button when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that the exit button should be displayed. If not specified, this attribute will be set to false by default.
show-next-button when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that the next button should be displayed. If not specified, this attribute will be set to true by default.
show-save-exit-button when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that the 'Save & Exit' button should be displayed. If not specified, this attribute will be set to true by default.
read-only-expression a boolean expression which, if evaluated to true at runtime, causes the relationship page to become read-only.
set-focus when set to false, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Player that no initial focus should be set on the form. If not specified, this attribute will be set to true by default.