
Table 1. Loop Attributes
Name Description
loop-type the type of loop you wish to use. The loop-type can be either for, for-each or while.
entity the entity to which the data on the pages within the loop will be saved, and from which it will be loaded when re-iterating through the loop. This is a required attribute for all loop types.
criteria the criteria to use when retrieving the records from the entity over which you'll iterate in this loop. This is a required attribute for all loop types.
loop-expression an integer expression used to determine the number of iterations in a for loop the first time you pass through it (thereafter it will be based on the number of records, as in a for-each loop).
fast-path when set to true, this attribute will indicate to the IEG Engine that Fast Path navigation should be switched on for this loop and the enclosed elements on which it applies. If not specified, this attribute will be set to false by default. See the Fast Path section of the Working with IEG guide for more details on Fast Path.