
The condition element can be used to instruct the IEG Engine as to whether or not to display a given element (whatever is contained within the condition), based on the answers to some previously asked questions. The most common usages of the condition element are within a section (where they typically contain question pages - see Controlling the Flow of Your IEG Script for more details for more details), or within a page, where it can be used to conditionally display a cluster on the page. On a summary page, the condition element can also be used to conditionally display a list.

When used with clusters, this can lead to two different types of behavior. If the value of the expression for the condition can be determined by the IEG Engine before it displays the page, then it either includes or excludes the cluster from the page and the cluster will remain either hidden or displayed for the duration of this visit to the page. However, if the expression cannot be evaluated before displaying the page (i.e., if one of the questions on this page is used in the expression), then the Engine hands responsibility over to the IEG Player, which will dynamically hide/display the cluster based on the answer the user gives to the relevant question. Dynamically conditional clusters are highlighted differently from other clusters on a page, they have a border and are shaded.

Please note when defining a condition for a dynamically conditional cluster the following restrictions apply: