
The list element can be used to display the details of multiple records from an entity in the Datastore. A separate column should be added to the list for each attribute of the entity you wish to display. A standard list contains records from a single entity.

A list can optionally include Footer Rows. These are typically used to display total information for lists. Help can be added to the rows on a list to provide context for the listed data.

You can also nest one list inside another if what you are trying to do is to show a list of records grouped together by their parent record. An example of this would be the scenario described earlier in this document where your script allows the user to enter multiple incomes per person in their household.

To achieve this, you need an outer list for the parent entity (Person in this case), which contains a single column (the First Name in this case) and then another list which contains the details of the child records (the incomes in this case).

Please note, lists may be added as children of question pages and summary pages. When a list is added as a child of a question page, it cannot contain Add, Edit or Delete links.