IEG Database Representation

About this task

The custom IEG script and IEGSCRIPTINFO.dmx file:


  1. Download the custom script into a custom component directory. For example "custom\data\demo"
  2. Use the build target "build extractdata -Dtablename=IEGSCRIPTINFO" to extract an up-to-date copy of the IEGSCRIPTINFO.dmx file which is generated into the "EJBServer\build\dataextractor" directory. Note that it will also extract the IEG script definitions into a clob folder in the same directory. The naming convention of these resources is IEGSCRIPTINFO<number> e.g. "IEGSCRIPTINFO3"
  3. Copy this DMX file into a custom component directory. From the example above this file should be located in the "custom\data\demo" directory
  4. Open the IEGSCRIPTINFO.dmx file and delete all the row elements except for the row element that references the new custom script
  5. Ensure the script identifier matches the script identifier in the custom script. For readability the CLOB files should be renamed to correspond to the script identifier and the Script Definition attribute in the row should be modified accordingly. For example the original value of the script definition attribute is ".\clob\IEGSCRIPTINFO3". The custom script file should be renamed to something like "IEGSample_custom_v1_Intake". Here the new value of the script definition attribute should also be changed to ".\clob\IEGSample_custom_v1_Intake"
  6. Save the IEGSCRIPTINFO.dmx file