Real Time KPI Design Guidelines

There are two classifications of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that use the operational database for their data:
  1. Embedded Analytics charts and graphics that are embedded on standard BIA Report Pages.
  2. Reporting Analytics/Dashboards charts and graphics that are associated with a Reporting license.
It is possible that either an Embedded analytic or a Reporting KPI will use the Cúram transactional system as their data source. On a case by case basis an assessment of each KPI must be undertaken to access:
  1. If the KPI is performant in its own right?
  2. Does the KPI adversely affect the performance of other BIA users?
If the answer to either of the previous questions is yes, it is recommended to take one of the below courses of action. In terms of finalizing the summary table design and next steps, these are the tactical options:
  1. Review your BIRT content and apply all performance improvement techniques available to you and benchmark to verify your KPI is per formant.
  2. If option 1 does not resolve your performance issues then design a summary table with as many de-normalized columns as needed to resolve your performance issues.