Capturing Changed Data

The source database is provided with default data, however from the perspective for the BIA Reporting module, some of the columns of interest are set to a null value.

BIA Reporting only extracts data from tables where a column named "LASTWRITTEN" has a non-null value. If these columns are not updated to a non-null value, then the warehouse cannot be populated with data correctly.

In order to allow the Reporting Schemas to be populated with data as quickly as possible, we provide a mechanism to update these last written columns to a non-null value. However, it should only be used in a Development Environment, and not in an environment where there are stricter security priorities, like a Production Environment.

It is possible to turn on/turn off the command to update the last written columns by setting:

You can update the last written columns manually by executing the target "database.source.updatenulls". Alternately, this command is also called automatically when building the database via the "database.all" command.