Upgrading to Oracle 11gR2

With this release, Oracle 11g R2 is now the base supported version. Oracle introduced meta-data format changes with OWB version 11g R2 which require all ETL processes to be upgraded to 11g R2 format. All OOTB, OWB artefacts have been upgraded, there is no further action required for OOTB content. All custom OWB 10g ETL development artefacts needs to be upgraded to Oracle 11g R2 format. If this is not done, then OWB will upgrade the OWB content on the fly, each and every time when importing. This will result in longer build times.

How to Upgrade:

Importing OWB content into OWB upgrades the ETL process, writing a new upgraded file to disk (the new file will have a postfix appended to its name). For example "test.mdo" when imported will be upgraded with a new upgraded file written to disk by OWB, the file name will be "test_11_2.mdo".

Items of Note:

1. If your OWB content is subject to source control, please note that the original file is the file that is source controlled. As such you will be required to overwrite the original file with the upgraded file, ensuring that the Original file name is maintained. If you have many custom artefacts, it can be time consuming to manually rename all upgraded ETL artefacts back to their original name. 2. Please also ensure that the upgraded file is removed from the directory structure otherwise it may be imported by the build process, thus resulting in longer build times.

For points 1 & 2; there is support within the build environment to automate the copying and removing of upgraded files. Please see the build command "buildowb.upgrade.11gR2.collectfiles