DB2 Environment

This product contains components created using DB2 elements and is designed for use with IBM products, licenses for which may be obtained as necessary from IBM.

The installation and configuration section installs the environment shown below. Typically the BIA Reporting Module and IWE are installed on a standalone machine in a development environment. The application and associated operational database are installed on a separate machine called e.g. SourceTest. Connections are configured between the operational database and the data warehouse databases:

This environment typically represents the production environment in any project in that the data warehouse is located on separated machine(s) to the production machine(s).

Note that the Staging and Central tables are co-located in the same database called CuramDW. It is a requirement that the staging and central schemas are co-located in one DB2 database so that the Central ETL processes can be promoted and executed correctly.

The IWE Design Studio is the interface that provides a visual representation of the Data Warehouse. Use the Design Studio to import source objects such as tables and views, design ETL processes such as mappings, and ultimately design the target warehouse.

See the section "Customizations and Upgrades" for a description on how to make changes to Reporting and how to take on upgrades to Reporting.