ETL explained

Before explaining how the reporting solution works it is important to define an ETL and explain its function in BIA Reporting. ETL is short for Extract, Transform and Load: three functions that are combined to pull data from a source and place it in a destination database:

BIA Reporting uses ETL's to move and transform data from the On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) data source to the BIA Reporting data sources. As explained in the Overview the data is moved from Source database to the Staging data storage, on to the Central Data Warehouse (CDW), and then is pushed out to the Data Marts.

For the population of each of these tables in each database we will need a separate ETL. The following example will help explain why we need these ETL's:

A number of the Participant reports require Person information where the status is 'Active' between two dates. To obtain this information from the Person table in the source database and populate the datamarts the following ETL's are needed:

From the above example we can see that we will need a minimum of four separate ETL's to 'push' the necessary person data from source tables to a dimensional solution that the reports can run against.