Running the build script

Before importing any of the metadata it is important to check that the database, ETL tool, and 2 property files have been setup correctly. Running the ' build configtest' command checks that the environment is working correctly.

To build all the metadata (e.g. classes, schema metadata, ETL metadata) the developer can run the 'build all' command. This command can be used to initially populate all metadata and compile all code for BIA Reporting.

Individual components within the build script can be isolated and run alone. A hierarchy exists when using the build script for building database schema and importing ETL metadata. An example of this is using the build script to import ETL metadata for the Staging database. Three options are available to the developer:

The developer has the option to replace all metadata or replace isolated components. This is helpful during the customization process as the developer may not wish to replace amended ETL's in the ETL tool or amended schema in the database.

After the build runs for any command the results need to be checked. Messages will be displayed during the build run and a final message will indicate if the build ran successfully or failed (' BUILD SUCCESSFUL ' or ' BUILD FAILED '). Even if the build runs successfully it is important to scroll through the output checking for errors. Error and validation messages are also written to the Reporting\logs folder.