Add a Binding to the New Algorithm Implementation

Guice bindings are used to map the algorithm to the correct algorithm implementation.

Figure 1. Binding the Algorithm
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package curam.samplingstrategy.impl;

import curam.codetable.impl.SAMPLINGSTRATEGYEntry;

 * Guice module for binding Sampling Strategies.
public class Module extends AbstractModule {

  public void configure() {
    // register sampling strategies
    final MapBinder<SAMPLINGSTRATEGYEntry, SamplingStrategy> 
      samplingStrategies = MapBinder.newMapBinder(binder(), 
        SAMPLINGSTRATEGYEntry.class, SamplingStrategy.class);

The new algorithm is now ready to be associated with a Case Audit Configuration in the Administration Application. For more information on Case Audit Configuration see the Cúram Case Audits Business Guide.