Building the Application EAR File

The following target should be executed from the root directory of the server project to create the application EAR file for WebSphere Application Server:

build websphereEAR

This target will create a ready to install EAR file, <SERVER_MODEL_NAME>.ear located in <SERVER_DIR>/build/ear/WAS1.

Before executing this target, a fully built application must be available. For details on how to build a IBM Cúram Social Program Management application, please refer to the Cúram Server Developer's Guide.

Note: An EAR file cannot be built for H2 database.2
1 SERVER_MODEL_NAME and SERVER_DIR are environment variables which specify the name of the model in the project and the root directory of the project respectively.
2 For more information on H2 database consult the Cúram Third-Party Tools Installation Guide for Windows.