Evidence Sharing Steps

Following are the high levels steps in the evidence sharing process.

Detect Change
The evidence sharing process starts after a change of evidence is detected, typically when the user approves evidence, in the source system.
Apply Sharing Strategy
A case type specific sharing strategy is invoked to determine targets configured for sharing and to notify the targets of the change. The default sharing strategy uses evidence broker sharing configuration to determine targets and to notify them of the change. The sharing strategy is executed in a deferred process to avoid any performance impact on the evidence approval process.
Notify Change
As part of the sharing strategy, the change is notified to the target system via a web service call or an API depending on if the sharing is done across systems or not.

If sharing is via web services, the sources system creates an XML document containing the change details. In case the target system is the same as the source system and API call to Evidence Broker with the identifier of the changed source evidence is required for change notification.

Process Change Notification
After receiving the change notification the target system validates the details by applying the appropriate schema or loading the evidence details from the database. Evidence broker then checks the configuration to see if it is allowed to accept the specific evidence type changes from the target system.

If an appropriate configuration exists, Evidence Broker determines the cases in that might be impacted from the change and invokes the evidence type specific hook (Broadcast Evidence hook) to process the evidence application on the target case. Evidence type specific transferEvidence operation on EvidenceInterface is called to map various keys from the source to the target case.

Synchronize Change
A task is sent to the caseworker if an action is required in applying the shared evidence. The caseworker then using the synchronization screens applies the changes to the target case. The synchronization screens use the Evidence Compare interface to return the data source and target evidence data in a format that is conducive to presenting it on the screen in a user friendly manner.