Integration with Evidence Generator

The Cúram Evidence Broker has been integrated with the Cúram Evidence Generator to streamline the implementation of evidence sharing. When evidence is generated, it can be shared without any custom code having to be written aside from listing the classes of evidence types in the Evidence2Compare Registrar. The Cúram Evidence Generator automatically implements the Evidence2Compare interface on the generated service layer. It provides implementations for the Evidence2Compare interface for every generated evidence type. The evidence generator also provides implementations of the transferEvidence operation, where required, on the entity layer. This generation saves a considerable amount of development time.

From the perspective of the Evidence API, integration with the evidence generator automatically makes the create evidence business process 'evidence sharing' aware. The generated service layer create functions can recognize the difference between inserted evidence and evidence broadcast from a source case. As described in the previous section, this allows customers to use the same pre and post steps of the insert evidence function for the broadcast evidence.