Incoming Parameter Descriptions

Table 1. Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Domain Description
caseID CASE_ID This is the case identifier to identify the case with which this evidence is associated.
sourceType CASE_TYPE_CODE The source case type code from which evidence being shared. Code table:CaseTypeCode
effectiveDate CURAM_DATE The date from which this Evidence applies. Format:ddMMyyyy
sharedInstanceID INTERNAL_ID Unique identifier that will be common to all evidence records which have been shared from the same initial piece of evidence.
evidenceType EVIDENCE_TYPE_CODE This is the evidence type code to identify the type of Evidence record. Code table:EvidenceType
operation OPERATION_NAME This corresponds to evidence create or remove operations. Type:string
sourceID INTERNAL_ID The unique identifier of the source product from which evidence is being shared.
sourceSystemID INTERNAL_ID The unique identifier of the source system from which evidence is being shared.
participantID CONCERN_ROLE_ID Identifier of the participant to whom the evidence relates; this could be the primary client of the case or a member of the integrated case.

The following figure displays an example of the inbound Share Evidence xml message:

Figure 1. Inbound Example : Share Evidence