Map the Custom Strategy to a Case Type

The Cúram Evidence Broker comes with an EvidenceBrokerSharingStrategy implementation that acts as default strategy for all the case types without a specific sharing strategy. After creating a custom strategy (for example, CustomEvidenceBrokerSharingStrategyImpl) for a case type, it is necessary to bind the strategy with the case type. This can be done by creating a Guice module class and adding a corresponding entry in the MODULE table. A Guice module class is created by deriving a class from and overridding the configure method to add the following statement:

public void configure() {

    MapBinder<String, CaseTypeEvidence< mapbinder =
           MapBinder.newMapBinder(binder(), String.class,


It is not necessary to create a new module for each of such hooks you have to bind. Single module class per component will work well.