Date and Date Range Terms

A Date term is similar to a Standard Term except that it is used to search fields that are of type Date or DateTime.

A Date Range term can be used to search for values that are between a minimum date (beginDate) and a maximum date (endDate). The 'isExclusive' Boolean attribute determines if the begin and end dates are included in the search criteria. If 'isExclusive' is set to true, the search is performed exclusive of the begin and end dates. If 'isExclusive' is set to false, the search is performed inclusive of the begin and end dates.

Note: When a query contains more than one term, the returned results are those that match all search terms - there is currently no concept of OR or NOT in the Generic Search Server API
Note: Bear in mind when using Dates for searching that it is your responsibility to ensure that the Date in your search term refers to the same time zone as was used when exporting the data to the Search Service