Standard Terms

A Standard term is used for all searches that do not involve Dates, so this is the term type that you will use most frequently.

The most basic way to use a standard term is to simply specify the field name and a single token as the value. The search server will return results where the field value matches the search term exactly.

Another way to use a standard term is to specify a value that contains multiple tokens, such as in address. Again, the search server will return results where the field value matches the search term exactly.

If the search term specified is a single token containing a wildcard character then the search server will return all matching results. Supported wildcard characters are '*' which matches any string of characters, and '?' which matches a single character. Example:- term = "Dub*"

A StandardTerm may be treated as a Prefix Search. This means that we are looking for search results that contain the search criteria at the start. You specify a Prefix Search by setting the isPrefixSearch attribute of the StandardTerm. It has the same effect as specifying a '*' multi-character wildcard at the end of your search value. A prefix search term may not contain any other wildcards.

Example 1: For a standard tokenized prefix term "abc" the underlying search is for term = "abc*", for tokenized and prefixed multi-term searches, for instance, a prefixed search term "abc def", the underlying search is for term = "abc* def*"

Example 2: For a standard tokenized non-prefix starting with abc the term value = "abc*" must be specified. For tokenized, non-prefixed, multi-term searches starting with "abc" and "def" the value "abc* def*" should be specified.