
The staging database tables are database tables on the operational database that are used by the Generic Search Server. There are four such tables: SearchService, SearchServiceField, SearchServiceRow, and SearchSrvcRowExt.

This chapter details the purpose and structure of the SearchService and SearchServiceField tables. Developers creating search services do not need to access the SearchServiceRow or SearchSrvcRowExt tables directly, nor write DMX files for them.

The SearchService table defines Search Services known to the Generic Search Server (see Search Service for introduction to Search Services). As an administration API for managing Search Services has not been provided, Search Service records must currently be created and maintained by either accessing the database table directly or by editing DMX files and rebuilding the application database.

The SearchServiceField table defines a single Field of a Search Service - its name, its data type, and several other attributes that are explained fully below. Each SearchServiceField database row is associated with a single SearchService row. As with Search Services, Search Service Field records must currently be created and maintained by either accessing the database table directly or by editing DMX files and rebuilding the application database.

SearchServiceRow is a table used to store searchable data from the application for use in building Indexes. The Generic Search Server provides an API (see Getting Started with the Generic Search Server API and Implementing a Search with the Generic Search Server) that is used to manipulate SearchServiceRows - developers should interact with this database table only via this API rather than accessing it directly.

There are two other GSS database tables: GSSMapperType and GSSEntity. These are used only with the Pull Mapper feature - otherwise they can be ignored. These tables are described in Pull Mapper.