Pool configuration properties

IndexSearcher pool has two basic options - initial size and maximum size. The following parameter


specifies how many IndexSearcher instances will be open at startup and kept open at all times for use by search clients. This is a required option and takes positive integer values including 0. If not specified the default value is "0". Typically this property should be set to the anticipated maximum number of simultaneous client searches.


specifies what is the maximum number of IndexSearcher instances allowed to be open at any given time. If more than this number of searches happens at any time an exception will be thrown and logged for diagnostic purposes. This option takes positive integer numbers, and if not specified the default value is "100". There is also the associated


option which means the maximum pool size is unlimited. The option accepts values of "true" or "false". If not specified default is "true". If this option is set to "true" the curam.searchserver.luceneadaptor.searcher.pool.maxsize option value will be ignored. One of those two associated options is required.