Configuration Properties

Before starting development, or deploying your Cúram Generic Search Server the following settings should be added to your file, where necessary.

Table 1. Cúram Generic Search Server Basic Configuration Settings
Property name Description
curam.searchserver.sync.interval The interval in milliseconds between Generic Search Server synchronization invocations. This is effectively the maximum time between data being updated and it being available for search. If this property is not set, the default is to synchronize every 3 seconds.
curam.searchserver.sync.username The username used for logging into the application to perform synchronization. The user must be authorized to run the DoGSSSync.sync function identifier. Required when running under WebSphere application server only. Omitting to specify this property and the associated password will not prevent the sync operation from running but it will result in security warnings being written to the logfiles on each synchronization.
curam.searchserver.sync.password Password associated with the curam.searchserver.sync.username described in the entry above. This password should be encrypted with the standard Cúram encrypt build target.
curam.searchserver.environment.vendor This property should be set to "ITD", "IBM", or "BEA" depending on whether you are using the Search Server in development mode or deploying to WebSphere or WebLogic. If this property is not set the Search Server will default to using property. The domain name or IP address of the server on which your Search Server is running. This must be set in order for you to be able to run the server startup process from the command line. If this property is not set the default is localhost.
curam.searchserver.server.port The port on which your application server's RMI service is available. This must be set in order for you to be able to run the server startup process from the command line.
curam.searchserver.autostartup.disabled For testing and development purposes, the Search Server will initialize its indexes on the first search request, unless it has already been started up. In a deployment scenario, you may want to disable this behaviour and ensure that the startup process is run from the command line, to give you more control over the process. Setting this property to true disables the automatic startup behaviour. Note that the search server will throw an exception in response to any search attempts that occur before the startup is complete.
curam.searchserver. luceneadaptor.searcher.index.maxmergedocs This property is used to tweak the performance of index reading and writing. Larger values "1,000,000" are best for batched index writing and speedier searches. Smaller values "10,000" are best for interactive indexing where numerous individual index updates occur.
curam.searchserver.luceneadaptor.document.flush.count Indicates the count of documents to update before flushing to the index, when dealing with a large batch of documents. If not specified, this defaults to 1000 documents. Tuning this property can reduce the time required to build your index initially on index persistence or server startup.
curam.searchserver.term.min.length Minimum allowable length of a search term. Defaults to two characters. Using very short search terms will result in poor search performance, and usually in poor quality of search results. This specifies the type of storage to use for search services - may be RAM, FILE. RAM is the default index type and suitable for smaller indexes that require very fast performance. FILE setting provides storage for large indices on the File System.
curam.searchserver.file.index.location This property indicates where to store the file index on the File System if with more data. If deploying to multiple machines the file location should exist on each targeted machine.
Table 2. Cúram Generic Search Server Searcher Pool Settings
Property name Description
curam.searchserver.luceneadaptor.searcher.pool.initialsize This property initializes the number of searchers within the searcher pool on startup. The default is 0.
curam.searchserver.luceneadaptor.searcher.pool.maxsize This property indicates the maximum number of IndexSearchers within the searcher pool. The default is 100.
curam.searchserver.luceneadaptor .searcher.pool.maxsizeunbounded This property set to "true" overrides curam.searchserver.luceneadaptor.searcher.pool.maxsize and indicates there is no maximum number of IndexSearchers allowed within the searcher pool. The default is "true".
curam.searchserver.luceneadaptor.searcher.pool.mergefactor This property is used to tweak the performance of index reading and writing. The default value is "10". Minimum value is "2". Higher values result in more RAM usage, slower searching, but quicker index writing.
Table 3. Cúram Generic Search Server Persistence Settings
Property name Description
curam.searchserver.server.index.persistence.enable This property should be set to "true" to enable index persistence. If this property is not set the default is "false".
curam.searchserver.custom.db.init This property should be set to "true" when customizing index persistence database tables. It indicates that the default index persistence tables are not to be used and the file should be used to set up these tables.