Milestone Waiver Approval Request

MILESTONEWAIVERAPPROVALREQUEST entity is focused on the milestone waiver approval request raised by the user and is only applicable for system generated milestone deliveries.

Entity Field Description
waiverApprovalRequestID Unique reference number assigned by the system to the milestone waiver approval request record. This field is mandatory.
approvalRequestID Unique reference number of approval request record.
milestoneDeliveryID Unique reference number of a milestone delivery to which milestone waiver approval request is related. This field is mandatory.
originalExpStartDate Date on which the milestone was originally expected to start. This field is mandatory
requestedExpStartDate Date on which the milestone is being requested to start. This field is mandatory
approvedExpStartDate Date on which the milestone is approved to start.
originalExpEndDate Date on which the milestone was originally expected to end.
requestedExpEndDate Date on which the milestone is being requested to end.
approvedExpEndDate Date on which the milestone is approved to end.
requestComments Comments entered by a user when submitting a milestone waiver request for approval.
approvalComments Comments entered by a user when approving a milestone waiver request.
requestedDate Date on which this milestone waiver approval request created. This field is mandatory.