The Model Editor

The Model Editor allows you to view and edit information related to a model or sub-unit fragment. To open a model in the model editor right-click on the model in the project explorer, select Open With, and then Model Editor.

The Cúram Profile can be viewed in the Details tab of the Model Editor. The profiles and model libraries that are used for working with the Cúram model are pre-configured for the Cúram model. In general, you should not need to alter the profiles and/or model libraries supplied with the Cúram model.

There are 5 tabs in the Model Editor view: Overview, Details, Diagrams, References, Fragments. These are described below.

Table 1. Description of Tabs in the Model Editor
Tab Description
Overview The Overview tab contains general information related to the selected model. You can also edit documentary information related to the model here.
Details The Details tab allows you to maintain the profiles and model libraries that are applied to the model you are currently viewing.
Diagrams The Diagrams tab allows you to view a list of available diagrams for the selected model.
References The References tab provides a list of other models and profiles from the workspace referenced by the selected model. It also provides a list of other models from the workspace that reference the selected model.

The physical resources associated with the model elements are called fragments and are essentially separate files. The ability to divide a model into fragments is particularly useful in large development projects. This is done by extracting packages into physical sub-units, or fragments. The physical location of the model elements are transparent, and the fragments remain a logical part of the original model.

The Fragments tab contains a list of fragments that are included in the model. You can choose to search for and absorb fragments into the containing model from this list. For more information on absorbing fragments, please see Absorbing a Fragment.