The Properties View

The Properties view allows you to view and edit the properties for the selected model element. It allows you to configure general and stereotype properties for an element, set element relationships, manage element documentation, etc.

The tabs in the Properties view used for Cúram model development are the General tab, and the Documentation tab, and the Cúram tab. These are described in the table below.

Table 1. Description of tabs in the Properties view used in Cúram Modeling
Tab Description
General The General tab allows you to maintain the base UML configuration of an element in a model, e.g., name, visibility, etc.
Documentation The Documentation tab allows you to create, view, and edit documentation relevant to a specific element.
Cúram The Cúram tab holds the properties that are relevant to a stereotyped element in the Cúram domain. These properties are specific to the Cúram model and are used to enhance the configuration of an element.