Creating a Domain Definition

New domain definitions can be added to the model using the right-click context menu in the Project Explorer. With Rational Software Architect you are not restricted in terms of the package structure. Domains can be added to any existing named package or combined with other elements in the same package. For consistency care should be taken to preserve standard structure. This allows them to be easily managed and re-used across the application.

You can create a domain definition using the following steps:

  1. In the Project Explorer, navigate to the package where you want to create the new domain definition.
  2. Right-click on the package and navigate to the Add Class Menu and select Domain Definition.
  3. In the Create Domain Definition Wizard, enter the name of the domain and select a domain definition type. If the type you select is SVR_STRING you must also specify the maximum size.
    Note: When searching for the base Domain Types e.g. SVR_STRING, you will have to modify the Search Scope and select theSearch non-imported UML libraries. The base types exist in a plugin delivered with the SDEJ and can only be searched for and cannot be browsed to.
  4. Choose the domain type. This can be done in two ways: through the type browser or by searching the model. Once you have selected the domain type, click Finish.