CDEJ Calendar Strings

The Calendar_<locale>.properties file contains overrides for strings that are used to display application-wide locale specific Calendar values.

Table 1. Settings
ID Value Details
DayView.DateBar.DatePattern EEEE d MMMM Overrides the default date display pattern
WeekView.DateBar.DatePattern W - MMMM Overrides the default date display pattern
MonthView.DateBar.DatePattern MMMM/y Overrides the default date display pattern
WeekView.DatePattern EEEE d MMMM Overrides the default date display pattern
MonthView.DayFormat long Chooses how to display day names in long (e.g. Monday) or short (e.g. Mon) format
Table 2. CDEJ Calendar Strings details
Type Value
Setting CDEJ Calendar Strings
Setting Type Override String values
Path \webclient\JavaSource\curam\omega3\i18n
Filename Calendar_<locale>.properties