SQL Example 2

This example shows how to use parameter host variables and expands the previous example by adding another method which updates a numeric field on one record of the Employer table.

Figure 1. Java Interface
public interface Employer
  public void setEmployerSize(EmployerKey empKey,
                            LongWrapper newSize)
    throws AppException, InformationalException;
public LongWrapper countEmployers() throws AppException; }

The following struct is required to contain the primary key for the employer:

Figure 2. Struct for employer key
public final class EmployerKey
implements Serializable, DeepCloneable {
   *  REFERENCE_NUMBER -> String
  public String employerNumber = "";

The SQL statement for this method is:

Figure 3. SQL Implementation
UPDATE Employer
  SET size = :2.longValue
  WHERE employerNumber = :employerNumber;

Note that since longValue is contained in the second parameter it is necessary to qualify it with 2.. Unqualified parameter references are assumed to reference the first parameter.

The SQL statement below qualifies both parameters and is equivalent to the one above:

Figure 4. SQL Implementation with qualified parameters
UPDATE Employer
  SET size = :2.newSize.longValue
  WHERE employerNumber = :1.employerNumber;