Database Table-level Auditing

This is only relevant to database operations of entity classes.

This option specifies whether table-level auditing should be performed for this operation. Table-level auditing records detail information about the changes made to actual data on the database table.

The behavior of auditing depends on whether Optimistic Locking is switched on or off for the operation. For more information about Auditing, see Table Level Auditing.

This option can be overridden at application startup time using application properties, this functionality is available to Audit BI Calls and this option and what follows is an example of how it should be used.

Changing operation auditing options without rebuilding.: Changes to operation optionsAudit BI andDatabase Table-level auditing in the model require a rebuild and redeploy to take effect. It is possible to override these properties in application properties whereby the changes take effect when the application is restarted.

These two options can be targeted at individual operations by specifying application properties whose format is as follows:



or, if the class is in a code package:



Properties whose names begin with curam.audit.audittrail apply to the Database Table-Level Auditing option and cause data to be captured to table AuditTrail.

Properties whose names begin with curam.audit.opaudittrail apply to the Audit BI calls option and cause data to be captured to table OpAuditTrail.

Example (1): To switch on table level auditing for operation modify of entity CaseHeader which is in code package core of the Cúram application, set the property curam.audit.audittrail.curam.core.CaseHeader.modify to true.

Example (2):. To switch off operation auditing for operation modifyAddress of process class Participant which is in code package core.facade of the Cúram application, set the property curam.audit.opaudittrail.curam.core.facade.Participant.modifyAddress to false.

In Summary,