
About this task

The following post installation steps are required to ensure that Rational Application Developer will work with the application.

Set the following Rational Application Developer preferences:


  1. Switch off build automatically: Project -> Build Automatically, and clicking on it, ensuring it is no longer ticked.
  2. Switch off validation: Go to Window -> Preferences -> Validation, and hit the Disable All button and click Ok.
  3. Select Windows -> Preferences and then Java -> Installed JREs and set the installed JRE to be "Websphere v7.0 JRE".
  4. Set the following file associations via Windows -> Preferences -> Workbench -> File Associations:
    • Add *.uim to the file types
    • Add the XML Editor as the associated editor for *.uim.
  5. Add the schema to the XML catalog. In Windows -> Preferences, select Web and Xml -> Xml Catalog and then select "User Specified Entries". Click Add and set the following values:
    • Location: <CuramCDEJ>/lib/curam/xml/schema/uim.xsd
    • Key Type: Schema Location
    • Key: file://Curam/UIMSchema.xsd


Update to Boot Class Path: The following XML API jar files (shipped with the SDEJ) should be added to the boot class path if the IBM Websphere Java SDK is being used.
  • %CURAMSDEJ%\lib\xalan-2.7.1.jar
  • %CURAMSDEJ%\lib\serializer-2.7.1.jar
  • %CURAMSDEJ%\lib\xerces-2.9.1.jar

The boot class path can be set as a JVM parameter. For example:

-Xbootclasspath/p: %CURAMSDEJ%\lib\xalan-2.7.1.jar; %CURAMSDEJ%\lib\serializer-2.7.1.jar;%CURAMSDEJ%\lib\xerces-2.9.1.jar