Child Elements

The FIELD element can contain the following child elements:

Table 1. Child Elements of the FIELD Element

Element Name

Cardinality / Description


0..3. A field can contain up to three CONNECT elements. The SOURCE connection defines the initial value for the field (this will be the static value shown if there is no target end-point, or the initial value of an input control if there is a target end-point). The TARGET end-point defines the property that will be set from the field value during the action phase. If a TARGET end-point is specified the SOURCE end-point can only be from a server interface property. This is because domain information is required to correctly format the value for display in the input control.

If an INITIAL end-point is used and the property is not a list value, it specifies the visible value of the field (which will be read-only). The SOURCE value will be hidden, and the pair of values can only be changed via a pop-up search page. The TARGET end-point will be supplied with the hidden value.

If an INITIAL end-point is used and the property is a list value, it specifies the visible values in a drop-down list. The INITIAL element's HIDDEN_PROPERTY specifies the corresponding list of hidden values that will be supplied to the TARGET end-point. In this instance, the SOURCE end-point specifies one of the hidden values in the list that should be used as the initial list selection (the corresponding visible value is displayed).


0..1. Only valid for output fields (those with no TARGET connection end-point). The value of the output field will be used as the text for the hyperlink specified by this LINK element.

If the field is based on a domain which requires a pop-up window then the LINK element can be used to supply parameters to the pop-up page. In this case the LINK element must not have a PAGE_ID attribute specified. See Using the Pop-up Page for further details.


0..1. Allows the label for a FIELD to constructed from a number of sources. If both a LABEL attribute and LABEL child element are specified, the element takes precedence. See LABEL for more details.


0..n. A script file associated with this FIELD that contains JavaScript code to be activated in response to the specified event on the field control. See SCRIPT for more details and limitations on this element usage.