User Machine Configuration

On first use of a new version of the integration applet the user will be presented with a popup dialog window to confirm if the code from publisher "IBM Corporation" should be allowed to run. The checkbox "Always trust the content from this publisher" should be selected and dialog confirmed, which will ensure the widget executes successfully and the prompt is not displayed again on subsequent uses. New versions of the widget will be downloaded to the user's machine automatically when the Cúram application is upgraded to a new version.

When a user attempts to edit a Word document, execution of the integration applet may be blocked depending on security settings of the Java browser plugin on that particular machine. This causes the editing session to fail. If you experience this kind of issues issues, please check the following:

Note to users of Windows 7 or higher: Word integration is currently only supported for non-Administrator users. You may experience issues if the user is logged into Windows as Administrator or if Internet Explorer is started in administration mode.