Wizard menu configuration

The text required by the wizard progress bar items come from a property resource whose identifier must be provided to the wizard progress bar menu.

Figure 1. Example of the required properties in the resource store property file
         Sample_pageOne.Wizard.Page.Title=Step 1: Child Details
         Sample_pageOne.Wizard.Page.Desc=Capture some details

         Sample_pageTwo.Wizard.Page.Title=Step 2: Parent Details
         Sample_pageTwo.Wizard.Page.Desc=Capture some details 1
Table 1. Properties in the wizard defining resource

Property Name



The value of this property defines the number of items to be rendered for the wizard progress bar. The value must be a numeric whole number greater than zero.


Defines the text to be displayed within the wizard progress bar item for each page of the wizard. There must be one of these properties defined for each page in the wizard. The property is uniquely identified for each wizard page by the <PageID> prefix which represents the actual identifier of that UIM page in the wizard flow.


Defines the title to be displayed within the wizard progress bar for the current page of the wizard. There must be one of these properties defined for each page in the wizard. The property is uniquely identified for each wizard page by the <PageID> prefix which represents the actual identifier of that UIM page in the wizard flow.


Defines the description to be displayed within the wizard progress bar for the current page of the wizard. There must be one of these properties defined for each page in the wizard. The property is uniquely identified for each wizard page by the <PageID> prefix which represents the actual identifier of that UIM page in the wizard flow.


Defines the position of the page within the wizard flow. The widget uses this information to style the bar items correctly. There must be one of these properties defined for each page in the wizard. This property is uniquely identified for each wizard page by the <PageNum> suffix which represents the position of each page within the list of wizard menu pages.

The order of the properties declaration in the resource is important as the associated menu widget will draw the wizard items for the progress bar in that order. The page title and description are added by the widget for the current page of the wizard.