Agenda Player Customization

The Agenda Player comes with support for customization/localization of certain elements. The elements which can be customized are the player title, Progress Bar text, the player button texts, the quit confirm dialog text and descriptions for each of the frames in the player.

Player related properties are kept in the files <client-dir>/components/<component_name>/ and <client-dir>/components/<component_name>/ where <component_name> represents the name of the component where the customizations are being applied.

Player title is customized by specifying custom value under the key used for it in AgendaConfig.xml (see above). The value under the key is to be placed into

The Progress Bar text is customized within an Agenda Player header by modifying the file to include values for the keys: Progress.Bar.Prefix, Progress.Bar.Middle, Progress.Bar.Suffix. Please note that all three keys must be present with blank values for unused ones in order to ensure clean rendering of the customized Progress Bar text. If this is not the case then a situation may occur where a non-blank default value is used instead of one undefined.

The text strings associated with Agenda Player control buttons are customizable in the file and defined by properties wizard.button.back.title, wizard.button.forward.title, wizard.button.finish.title, and wizard.button.quit.title.

The frame descriptions are useful for users of screen readers but don't appear visually on the screen. The entries for frame description customizations in are wizard.frameset.title, wizard.header.frame.title, wizard.navigation.frame.title, wizard.content.frame.title, wizard.button.frame.title.

Note: The Agenda Player was formerly known as the Wizard widget, so several attribute and property names still refer to wizard.

In order to change the default question in the quit confirmation dialog, the property Quit.Dialog.Question should be added/changed in