Downloading the WSDL Files

WSDL files are treated as source code which is required to build the application. Consequently, the files should be stored locally (preferably version controlled) with the rest of the source code.

The WSDL files must be manually downloaded (or otherwise obtained), as the web service connector functionality does not support accessing the WSDL definition via a remote access mechanism such as UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) or HTTP. The downloaded files must be placed in the appropriate build structure folder:


Each IBM Cúram Social Program Management component may have its own set of web service connectors, so in the above path <component_name> should be the name of the component for which the connector is being deployed. It is considered good practice (though not required) to separate different web services into sub directories within <SERVER_DIR>/components/<component_name>/wsdl/.

For example:



A WSDL definition can be spread over several files that reference each other, possibly in some arbitrary directory structure. These references can be resolved as long as the references are relative and the top level directory is under the <SERVER_DIR>/components/<component_name>/wsdl/ directory.