Creating Inbound Web Service Classes

In Rational Software Architect to add an Axis2 inbound web service class to a package, select Add Class, WS Inbound from the right-click context menu and name the class.

Note: In IBM Cúram Social Program Management web service names are based on the class name specified in the Rational Software Architect model and must be unique within the environment.

If you require passing and returning a W3C Document instead of IBM Cúram Social Program Management domain types or structs you must:

  1. In the Curam properties tab for the WS Inbound class, select the WS_Is_XML_Document property (if passing W3C Documents providing schema validation is an optional activity and is detailed in Providing Schema Validation);
  2. Select True as the value from the drop down.

By default the web service style for the class is document, which is defined in the WS_Binding_Style property as " 0 - Unspecified ". If you require the RPC binding style:

  1. In the Curam properties tab, select the WS_Binding_Style property;
  2. Select " 2 - RPC " as the value from the drop down.

You can also set the value explicitly to " 1 - Document ", but the generator defaults the " 0 - Unspecified " value to be document.

The class properties above will apply uniformly to all operations of the web service class; so, you need to plan your design to account for this. That is, a class can contain W3C Document operations or operations that use native data types or IBM Cúram Social Program Management structs, but not both. Similarly the binding style (WS_Binding_Style) will be applied to all operations of a class when passed as an argument to the Java2WSDL tool; so, any requirement for operations with a different binding style in generated WSDL would need to be handled in a separate modeled class.